Monday, May 6, 2013


Titus Andronicus defies an easy explanation. Wikipedia calls them a "punk/indie rock" band, whatever the fuck that means. Yes, there are punk elements. But way across the divide, what I think when I hear their music is "majestic." But yet punk. But yet majestic. Well, these two things can happen at the same time, and they've happened at the same time before, but Titus Andronicus takes it to a new level.

All good songs have a structure. Indeed, as a songwriter, a singer and a concert pianist, this is something I will preach to anyone who will listen. There are songs that follow familiar paths -- verse, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, etc. -- and I've written songs like that. I've also written songs that follow structures that are foreign to the average pop music listener. Titus Andronicus writes a lot of songs like that. Indeed, to my ears, many of their songs seem to be written in sonata form. There are movements. They relate to each other, but they're not always going to give you that big reprise chorus that modern pop music says they should give you. They start in one place, move to a different place, and land you somewhere you never expected to be:

Back to that "punk/indie" thing. Whatever. I don't like either of those descriptors, because I don't think that either really encompasses the music that exists underneath those words. Lately the music I've been most drawn to has fallen into the category of "gritty and yet majestic." That describes Titus Andronicus for me. Lead singer Patrick Stickles' voice isn't perfect -- and who cares? It's honest. Chaos takes turns with beauty, and sometimes they meet in the middle.

All in all, there is an experience in each song, and if it means you drop your preconceived notions of "punk" or "indie rock" or "garage rock," or whatever other genre they seem to be reminding you of at the moment, then that's a good thing.

Of course, once in a while, they'll just play a straight rock song. Here's their cover of Nirvana's "Breed":

Titus Andronicus will be at the re-opening of the Hi-Tone tonight. You should show up. It's only ten fucking dollars, god.

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